What Is the ASWB Licensing Exam?

Genevieve Carlton, Ph.D.
Updated on 2024-12-17 17:32:54
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Licensed social workers have passed the ASWB exam. Learn about the exam levels, registration process, and pass/fail system for this licensing exam.

If you want to become a licensed social worker, you need to pass the ASWB licensing exam. The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) offers undergraduate and graduate social work licensure exams. The exam you need to take depends on your state and the license you seek.

Our guide walks through what you need to know when preparing for the ASWB exam. Explore how to get social work board approval, register for the exam, and earn a passing score.

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ASWB Examination Levels

ASWB offers multiple social work licensing exams depending on your education level and your state’s licensure requirements.

  • Associate: This exam does not require a degree and only meets licensure standards in jurisdictions that do not require a social work degree.
  • Bachelors: If you have a bachelor of social work (BSW), you can take this exam, which meets the requirements for a generalist BSW license.
  • Masters: Those with a master of social work (MSW) degree take this exam to qualify for a master’s in social work license. In many jurisdictions, candidates hold this license while completing clinical licensure requirements.
  • Advanced generalist: You need an MSW plus two years of experience in nonclinical settings to take this exam, which licenses advanced generalists who do not work in clinical settings.
  • Clinical: With an MSW and two years of supervised clinical experience, you can take this exam to qualify for a clinical social work license.

Each exam meets the licensure requirements for different social work licenses. Depending on your state, you may need to take additional exams to qualify for a higher license. You should carefully review the exam requirements in your state before registering for an ASWB exam.

The ASWB Examination Process

The examination process is similar at every level. First, you must verify eligibility with your state’s board of social work, then register and pay through ASWB. Finally, you can schedule your exam.

Before you can take an ASWB exam, you must apply for a license with your state’s social work licensing board. You need to meet eligibility requirements, which may include holding a social work degree from a state-approved program. Some licenses also require work experience.

At this stage, you can request testing accommodations if necessary. ASWB offers accommodations for documented disabilities and other conditions, such as a broken bone or pregnancy. These accommodations can include additional time or breaks throughout. You can also request accommodations if English is your second language or you use American Sign Language.

It’s important to request accommodations before registering for your exam through ASWB. After you have scheduled your exam, you can no longer ask for nonstandard testing arrangements.

Social Work Board Approval

What do you need for social work board approval in your state? While the requirements depend on your location, you typically submit proof of your education and any other requirements for a social work license. Some states use online application portals for uploading materials. Others may require you to mail in physical copies.

Your state board will review your social work license application and let you know if you’re eligible to take an ASWB exam.

If you do not meet the state’s requirements for a social work license, you will receive information about deficiencies in your documentation. You can address these to continue the licensure process.

When submitting your licensure application, you’ll pay an application fee to your state’s licensure board. This is in addition to the cost of taking your exam. The fee varies by state.

Registering for ASWB Exams

After receiving approval from your state social work board, you can register for your exam through ASWB.

Expect to pay the following exam fee:

  • Associate, bachelors, or masters exam: $230
  • Advanced generalist or clinical exam: $260

When registering, you will answer questions about your background and education. ASWB uses this information to verify your eligibility and track demographic data to improve future versions of the exam. You must register for the exam with the same first and last name used on your testing center identification.

Within two days of submitting your registration, ASWB will verify your eligibility and send you an Authorization to Test by email. Use this authorization to schedule a testing appointment with Professional Service Industries (PSI). You can also use the authorization to purchase ASWB’s online practice test.

Your Authorization to Test remains valid for up to one year, though some states have an earlier expiration date. You can schedule the exam at any PSI test center, Monday through Friday, with many also open on Saturdays.

What to Expect from the ASWB Exams

Whether you’re taking the bachelors, masters, or clinical social work exam, you will answer 170 multiple-choice questions. In fact, each ASWB exam asks the same number of questions.

Only 150 out of the 170 questions will affect your score. ASWB adds 20 pretest questions that may appear on future exams. These questions are mixed, so you won’t know whether you’re answering a scored or unscored question. You have four hours to answer all questions. This equates to less than 90 seconds per question.

Plan to take the test at a PSI test center. The ASWB licensing exam is a computer test that allows you to skip questions, highlight text, and flag questions to review later. You can also zoom in on text and strike out multiple-choice answers you believe are incorrect. One question will appear at a time on the screen. You can request earplugs or noise-reducing headsets.

During the four-hour exam, you can take breaks of up to 10 minutes. Your testing time does not stop during break time, and you can only leave the testing room during breaks to use the restroom or for drinks and snacks. You need a photo ID to return from a break.

What Should You Bring with You on the Day of Your ASWB Exam?

ASWB suggests arriving at the testing center at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time to account for any delays. This also gives you time to check in and store your personal belongings.

Here’s what you should bring on the test day:

  • Your Authorization to Test email from ASWB and your scheduling confirmation email from PSI
  • Two valid IDs. You need an unexpired government-issued ID with your first and last name, photograph, and signature. A driver’s license or passport meets this requirement. You also need a secondary ID with your first and last name, plus a signature. This can include a credit card, student ID, or government-issued ID.
  • Comfort items, such as medication, medical devices, and mobility devices

You need to store personal belongings such as coats, hats, smartphones, bags, drinks, and food. Test centers may also ask you to remove large jewelry and watches.

ASWB recommends dressing in layers and choosing comfortable clothes. You can bring earplugs or request them from the test center staff. Instead of spending the night before the exam cramming, prioritize sleep to be well-rested for the test day.

The ASWB Examination Guidebook provides additional information on qualifying identification and what to bring for the test.

How Are ASWB Exams Scored?

ASWB exams use a pass/fail scoring system. In every version of the exam, you’ll answer 170 questions. That includes 20 unscored pretest questions, plus 150 scored questions.

In order to pass, you need to answer about 90-107 questions correctly. The exact number depends on the exam version. ASWB updates its tests regularly, which can result in minor differences in the difficulty of exam questions. As a result, ASWB adjusts the number of correct answers for a passing score. This means that the exam has the same overall difficulty, regardless of the version.

Regardless of which version you take or where you take the test, a passing score is recognized in any state.

Getting Your ASWB Exam Score

Because ASWB uses a pass/fail scoring system, you should know your results quickly. You’ll receive your unofficial ASWB exam score immediately after taking the exam, and official scores post within 48 hours.

Your score report will show the number of questions needed to pass the exam and the number you answered correctly.

If you fail the exam, your score report will list your correct answers in each content area, which can help you study to retake the exam. After failing a licensing exam, you must wait 90 days before scheduling your next exam attempt. You can retake in less than 90 days if your state allows it and your score was within 10 correct answers of passing.

ASWB will forward your test results to your state’s social work licensing board. The state licensing board can take up to two months to process your scores and grant your social work license.

Helpful ASWB Practice Exams and Resources

Practicing for your social work licensing exam can boost your chance of passing. Here are some resources to prepare for the ASWB licensing exam:

  • ASWB Online Practice Test: After you’ve registered for your licensing exam, you can purchase a full practice test through ASWB for $85. The test is available for the bachelors, masters, and clinical exams.
  • Therapist Development Center: Prepare for the masters or clinical exam with this exam prep study system, which reports a 95% pass rate for social workers. The program includes a study plan and coaching.
  • Agents of Change: Find free practice tests and questions for the bachelors, masters, and clinical ASWB exams here. You can also find mock practice questions and video walkthroughs.

Your social work program may also offer study resources for ASWB exams.

Frequently Asked Questions About the ASWB Exam

How hard is it to pass the ASWB exam?

The ASWB exam is challenging but passable. In 2021, the bachelor’s exam had a 68.7% first-time pass rate, and the master’s exam had a 73% first-time pass rate. That means most test-takers pass the exam, yet a significant number fail on their first attempt.

What percentage of people pass the ASWB exam?

For the bachelors ASWB exam, pass rates ranged from 67%-78% for first-time test-takers during 2011-2021. For the clinical ASWB exam, 73%- 78% of first-time test-takers passed the exam during that same period. ASWB publishes an exam pass rate analysis that breaks down pass rates by gender, race, and other factors.

What is the difference between the masters exam and the clinical ASWB exam?

While both the masters and clinical ASWB exams require a master’s in social work, the clinical exam also requires clinical social work experience. As a result, many clinical social workers pass the masters ASWB exam to earn their initial license, then complete the clinical requirements before taking the clinical exam and applying for their clinical social worker license.

Did the ASWB exam change in 2024?

Yes, the ASWB exam changed in 2024. In January, PSI test centers began administering the exam instead of Pearson VUE. The exam format, questions, and scoring remain the same.

Is the ASWB practice exam worth it?

Yes, the ASWB practice exam is worth it. As the official practice exam, it uses the same format you’ll see on the test day, making it a great way to practice question types under exam-day conditions. You’ll also practice time management skills and learn how to use tools, such as skipping questions or flagging questions to review later.